The EEVT project and VETA

The EEVT Project for which I will be working as HR Adviser is a project by VETA, VSO, and BG Tanzania. 

The project will cover the South East zone for VETA which covers two administrative regions- Mtwara and Lindi. There are 24 training centres in this zone. VSO manages the project and brings in tutors to coach the teachers and improve selected workshops. BG Tanzania acts as funder, adviser, and link with the gas industry.  Below is a little more about VETA.

The Vocational Educational and Training Authority (VETA) was established by an Act of Parliament No. 1 of 1994 charged with broad tasks of coordinating, regulating, financing, promoting, and providing vocational eduation and training in Tanzania.  The history of VETA dates back to 1940 when the Apprenticeship Ordinance was enacted to guide training in the industry. 

MISSION: To ensure provision of quality VET that meets labour market needs, through effective regulation, coordination, financing, and promotion in collaboration with stakeholders.

In the long run VETA will be capable of producing a steady stream of qualified craftsmen and teachers. 

This aligns with VSO's mission to provide the people of Tanzania with more access to education and technology to help fight poverty in the region.

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