Friday, May 2, 2014

Karibu Mtwara (Welcome to Mtwara)


I arrived in Mtwara yesterday morning which was actually a public holiday so I took the time to meet a couple of other volunteers and had the experience of going to the local market.  It was very different from anything I’ve ever seen!  It was essentially an outdoor area with loads of shops of beautifully colored materials and kangas (the garment most of the local women will wear wrapped around them), as well as shampoo soaps, the list really goes on.  At the back was a huge area with fresh vegetables and fruits, and some meats as well as assorted rice, pastas, and spices.  Everywhere you are here I will tell you there is color and everyone is always staying very busy.  No matter what time of day there is someone sewing in the streets or carrying corn or bananas or other good from the fields, the daily life is so much different from home.   I am thankful I had my new housemate with me as my Swahili is slowly improving (mainly basic greetings and suck) but I need to study more of the bargaining of prices and learn all of the numbers – I’m seeing this is a must.   I bought some material to make curtains out of and a couple of other items and headed back to the house.  The rest of the day mostly just tried to relax and get some sleep- need to get over this jet lag- it’s seriously been tough.
Today I am at VETA and looking forward to meeting everyone else and seeing how everything is running around here.  The times I do get homesick I need to remind myself why I am here and that I hope I can provide some sort of plan to be implemented after I am gone that will help these students be more successful and obtain work after finishing here at the school.   Fortunately the VETA office has a beautiful view of the Indian Ocean and I just need to keep looking out to remind myself there is a big world out there and while I can’t change the world, at least I can try and make a difference in a few lives and that will make it all worth it.

I have attached a pic here of the first group of Volunteers I met from the UK and me at dinner on the waterfront.  I will try and post more soon!

Thanks for stopping by J


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hopped off the plane in Africa

With a dream and my cardigan… (My apologies for the Miley Cyrus reference- the song for some reason won’t leave my head.)

Anyway, yesterday was a lot of airports and airplanes- and not much sleep but I will adjust eventually.  The countryside coming into the airport and the sunset on the Indian Ocean were both gorgeous. 

So as you can tell I have arrived safely in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and am staying at an inn for my In Country training for a couple of days before heading down to Mtwara.  When I arrived, I met three other volunteers from the UK who are on much longer assignments (1-2 years) but also here for the in country training.  Since I am a short term volunteer I will not get a full 2 week training as one would who is going to be here for 1-2 years, just a couple of basics on finance and set goals for the project .

I have been introduced to many of the volunteers and staff and everyone has been very friendly so far, though I do need to get better with Swahili as I’m sure I will.  Also this past weekend Tanzania was having large celebration marking its 50th year as Republic so the streets last night were very busy with people as I’m not used to on a Monday evening. 

As I sit here in the office, I can tell work is going to be a very different experience as well, but I am looking forward to it.

Before arriving here I was asked by several different people if I’m excited/nervous/scared.  The answer of course is yes, all of the above!  Going to another continent for 2 months as a volunteer alone had me in a mix of emotions but I am glad I am doing it.  VSO has taken good care of me and again I’m grateful to my company for the opportunity.  I don’t think I realized how much I rely on my phone and internet for comfort but am afraid I will have to just go with it for now.  

I am about to head into a meeting and then to lunch with my new colleagues but will write again soon!